Body Text Fonts For Mac Antique

5 min readNov 4, 2021

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Avoid using monospaced typefaces and used proportionally-spaced body text fonts instead. Stick to basic fonts and save your fancy typefaces for headlines, graphics, mastheads, lures, kickers, etc. Consider also how your body text font will fit in or look together with other typefaces used in headlines, subheads, captions, etc.

No Jim, I’ve installed all updates (and even reinstalled Office for Mac 2016) and it’s still happening for me, in every single document, especially when I copy-paste in from another document (although it also seems to happen when typing in a blank document sometimes too).

I’m on OShighsierra.
Random words and letters in the middle of almost every paragraph I type change font for no apparent reason and then stubbornly refuse to be amended. It’s absolutely infuriating. Maddening. This is absolutely destroying my work, because it’s happening in every one of the 3,000 documents on my desktop, including those I’ve worked on for years with no problems. Suddenly, I open them and the formatting is haywire.
It seems to happen particularly if there are accented or foreign characters (é, ø, etc. ) in a paragraph but I must stress that this is not the only time it happens: It also just happens randomly in perfectly standard English sentences. But it’s happening in every document I open.
I have included 4 images:

1) This is a paragraph I just copy-pasted into a document in my own paragraph Style (‘**Paragraph**’). As you can see, random words and letters and phrases have taken on their own font (Helvetica) and point size. In several instancs, that seems linked to foreign characters in the text — but again, that’s not the only time this happens.

2) What happens when I ‘Clear Formatting’ on that paragraph — it clears the formatting of all the other words, but not the weird/wrong font ones.

3) What happens when I just select one of the individual weird words and click ‘Clear Formatting’ on that: The formatting of that word does not change, will not change no matter what I do. Nothing happens. It’s ‘locked’ somehow. And it shows in the ‘Current Style’ box as ‘Normal + (Latin) Helvetica’.

There seems to be no way of deleting this in ‘Current Style’ and just making it apply ‘Normal.’ You have to instead go in and delete all the weird words in the body of the document instead and re-type them, and even then it might suddenly, randomly change the font of the following sentence. It’s a horrible bug. I can’t be retyping every Word document I’ve ever written.

4) After ‘Clear Formatting,’ what happens when I select the ‘**Paragraph**’ Style for the whole paragraph: We go back to the original problem. Nothing has changed.

Please help. I have 4 years’ worth of research that is currently unpresentable because of this. I currently dare not open a single document for fear of this, which means I can’t work and I can’t do my research.
Thank you

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Tumblr’s Customize page can be used to make basic changes to your blog, including title, description and links. While this page enables you to customize font colors, it does not provide the option to customize the font-family or size. Fortunately, you can use Tumblr’s HTML editor, located on the Customize page, to change the font found in the body of your blog.


Go to the Tumblr Customize page and log in to your Tumblr account (see link in Resources).


Click on the ‘Edit HTML’ button. The HTML editor will appear containing the code for your Tumblr blog’s theme.


Press ‘Ctrl-F’ to open the Find tool and then enter ‘font-family’ (without the quotations) into the field next to Find. Click ‘OK’ to search for the text in the HTML code. Repeat the process to continue searching for additional results for ‘font-family’ until you locate the section of code inside the body { tag.


Replace the font after ‘font-family ‘ with the font you wish to use for the body of your blog. It is recommended that you include at least two fonts, separated with a comma, to help optimize Web browser compatibility. For example, replace ‘Courier New’ with ‘Arial’ , ‘Times New Roman’ using single-quotes to surround the font name. In order to use a non-standard Web font you must attach its CSS style sheet in your theme’s header (see Tips).


Replace the value after ‘font-size:’ with a font size expressed in pixels followed by a semicolon. For example, enter ‘font-size: 12px;’ (without the quotations).


Click the ‘Update Preview’ button to verify the font appears correctly in the preview of your theme.


Click the ‘Save’ button to save these changes to your Tumblr blog’s theme.


  • To use a third-party Web font you must add an extra block of code attaching the font’s CSS to your theme. Copy the code from the font website and then paste the HTML code for the style sheet inside of the tag for your blog. Once you have linked the style sheet you can use the font in your theme.
  • If you’ve made unwanted changes to your blog, or wish to recover an old theme, visit the Tumblr Recover Custom Theme page (see link in Resources). Click the ‘View Backups’ button and then click the ‘Revert’ button associated with one of your theme’s backups.


  • Use caution whenever you edit your theme’s HTML code, as doing so could cause unwanted changes to your blog’s appearance.

Different Text Fonts

References (3)

Resources (3)

About the Author

Located in Denver, Chad Davis has been writing about technology for more than 10 years. He is a technical writer for information technology and product development. Davis provides grant writing and marketing services to small businesses. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in professional writing from the University of New Mexico.

Old English Fonts For Mac

Cite this Article Choose Citation Style

Davis, Chad. ‘How to Change Body Text Font on Tumblr.’ Small Business —, Accessed 07 September 2019.

Davis, Chad. (n.d.). How to Change Body Text Font on Tumblr. Small Business — Retrieved from

Davis, Chad. ‘How to Change Body Text Font on Tumblr’ accessed September 07, 2019.

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Note: Depending on which text editor you’re pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name.

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